I decided to watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead (FSND) and FSND 2 on Netflix this weekend and they really inspired me to truly contemplate the nutritional value of what I put in my body. If you haven't seen them I really suggest you watch it. I am probably not going to try a juice reboot but I do think incorporating more micronutrients and fruits and veggies into my diet is a must. The fact that what I eat can heal my body and keep me from having to load up on prescription medications etc. is really amazing. Proper intake of vitamins and minerals can mean the difference between a healthy, productive life, and a life fraught with illness. I am almost thirty and I am not on any medications and have never had any issues with my health other than the obvious overweight issue. I do have a family history of high blood pressure and diabetes which are already associated with obesity. If I continue to be unhealthy with what Im eating and avoid physical activity I can gues...