
Showing posts from April, 2015


I decided to watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead (FSND) and FSND 2 on Netflix this weekend and they really inspired me to truly contemplate the nutritional value of what I put in my body. If you haven't seen them I really suggest you watch it.  I am probably not going to try a juice reboot but I do think incorporating more micronutrients and fruits and veggies into my diet is a must. The fact that what I eat can heal my body and keep me from having to load up on prescription medications etc. is really amazing.  Proper intake of vitamins and minerals can mean the difference between a healthy, productive life, and a life fraught with illness.  I am almost thirty and I am not on any medications and have never had any issues with my health other than the obvious overweight issue. I do have a family history of high blood pressure and diabetes which are already associated with obesity. If I continue to be unhealthy with what Im eating and avoid physical activity I can gues...

Hebrews 12:1

We have been STAAR testing this week so as a hall monitor I have had plenty of time to finally read some books that have been collecting dust on my shelf. I finished the book I bought over spring break titled "It Was Me All Along" by Andie Mitchell which I highly suggest you read. She lost 135 pounds and keeps it off even as a food lover! It's a memoir of her life and how when she lost 135 pounds and realized how to have a healthy relationship with food and excercise. If you want to read it you can buy it HERE. The success of her book stemmed from her blog which I actually stumbled upon back when I began this blog in 2012. She is a true inspiration and you can read her blog at Can You Stay For Dinner.  NOW the book I dove into yesterday that is inspiring the HECK out of me is one I bought about 5 years ago and never read. Yyyyyyeah I am one of those book people. It's called Fat Chance and it is a book by Julie Hadden who was a contestant on The B...


WOW this has been a busy week. I went to the gym on Monday and got in a really good workout, Tuesday I didn't get home until late, Wednesday we had an evening at my parents and went out on the lake, and today I was able to leave the high school around 2:45 and head home about 30 min early and I chose to skip the gym. Instead I came home and did yard work, which definitely got me really sweaty and still burned calories, but three straight days of no real working out made me feel really fat. It was definitely the perfect time to get my new gym gear in the mail! My three new motivational shirts and snazzy purple pants have arrived. I was feeling rather bad about Easter Sunday lunch and eating a lot of strawberry shortcake with extra homemade whipped cream, then having Mexican food on Tuesday and combined with the lack of gym time my self image was this Yes whipped cream and some Mexican food have made me cripplingly obese. A few weeks ago when we went to the Opera there...

The end is the beginning

I got really busy and haven't had time to blog about my 24 day results. I have the energy to go to the gym after work and then come home and deal with a crazy toddler. I have the energy to actually do CHIN DIPS! Im sorry say what? I am starting to feel better and create healthy habits. These are my before and after from March 1st to March 24th I can definitely already see a difference in just 24 days.  I decided to continue with these products for now. Spark is a must, plus I got another energy nutrition mix with appetite control that tastes like coffee, and I also kept catalyst and added thermoplus. I have all of these daily. Thermoplus: Supports the body's ability to convert fat into energy* Promotes a healthy metabolism* Helps suppress appetite* Contains oolong tea and sage extracts to support weight loss* Catalyst: Helps maintain muscle mass during exercise & weight management* Aids in preserving muscle and e...