I have been a fan of Kelly Roberts and following her for years now. Kelly is the amazing runner girl in new york, she is the creator of the badass lady gang and promotes running for all body sizes. She also started the #sportsbrasquad to encourage women to feel comfortable running in whatever they wanted to wear that they felt comfortable in regardless of how their body looked. ie: if you’re big but you don’t want to wear a shirt because it's August and 95 degrees on your run - then take your shirt off!!! She has a podcast called “Run, Selfie, Repeat” and she talks about all kinds of running stuff and even has some episodes that are guided running intervals etc. In November she ran an 8 week series that was about ditching diet culture during the Holidays with her friend and dietitian Kayla Reynolds. I had already been on the anti diet path so I was stoked to see her talking about the subject. She enjoyed it and had more to say so now she and Kayla are running a new s...