So lately I have been dealing with an extreme amount of stress and stress related symptoms. I have NO idea why or what it is. I mean its because of work but I don't really know why or how to fix it. Sometimes its ok and other times I just want to run away. I honestly can't 100% diagnose what at work is stressing me out- I think its multiple things but DANG it's really affecting me and my health. I have gotten sick almost NON stop this year! I also suffer from several more of the things on this list... UGH Thankfully working out is a good stress combatant and so I really kicked my own butt today at the gym. I am rewarding myself with a delicious post workout smoothie. GREEN SMOOTHIE 1 banana 2-3 TBS dry peanut butter (PB2) 1 TBS flaxseed powder giant handful of spinach (use A LOT) 5 ice cubes enough almond coconut milk to make it all SMOOTH Hopefully being in c...