Well I am actually really shocked at the number of views my blog has gotten this month since I have only posted once! 

I can't believe that I have neglected my blog so bad this month. The reason is because I have also neglected my healthy lifestyle. 

I am not going to sit here and make excuses about why I suddenly stopped exercising or trying to be super healthy with my food choices but I am going to own up to my lack of drive and hopefully this week I can get back into it. 

Nobody said this was going to be easy or that I wouldn't fall down a few times along the way. 

I have definitely not changed my bad habits completely and these past 3 weeks or so I have not gained anything from my lack of effort ...other than regrets. 

I am not saying that I gained 50 pounds or even 10 but I feel like I have gained 80 and the FEELING is worse than the reality. I am starting to judge myself negatively and that's making it harder for me to want to get back in my routine. 

The main thing I have to work on: 

1. drinking alcohol. I started to drink again because I was dealing with stress and unfortunately decided I needed beer or wine to deal with that. I think my beer consumption has contributed to me feeling like I put on 80 pounds. 

2. working out. I have not worked out in about 3 weeks until today. I finally forced myself to he gym today. I kicked butt. I did this circuit - ran for 3 min. and walked for 2 min. and repeated 4 times. Then I did several leg machines and of course my abs. I already feel less fat just from that one good trip. 

3. Planning my food and making sure to get enough veggies and fruits. I really haven't done horrible with food but I do have room for improvement. 

I have to keep this in mind for the next month or so until my routine becomes habit again. Did I fall down? Yes! Am I giving up and quitting? NO! I must move forward.... 

I have a 5k coming up on Dec. 4th AH so scared I won't be running the whole time or anything I will circuit just like I do at the gym. Its a good challenge for me and good motivation for the next 2 weeks to get my butt to the gym. 

I have a second 5k in February and hopefully by then the goal is to run most of that and clock in around 10 minutes a mile which should be doable because I did 16 minutes today. I will be training for that goal in mind. 


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