Make Me Pink!

Today felt like a pink lipstick kind of day! 

With my sassy lips I headed off to Longview to buy a new breast pump. The one that I had was a hand me down from my sister-in-law that had also been a hand me down for her! I have no idea how old it is and it worked great at first but now its starting to wear out and have a few issues. I ended up decided on a pretty cool breast pump that also happens to be the same bottles we already use anyway. Its a First Years Breastflow MemoryPump. I haven't started using it yet but it has a neat digital system that remembers your settings and looks pretty awesome. It also has a handle that allows for one hand holding. I am pretty much PUMPED (womp womp) to use it.

After leaving Target I forced my husband to take me to the Granary and get some dairy free items to help me easily transition to this new lifestyle. I found a ton of great things...

With carob chips in hand I set out to make dairy free lactation cookies. I used the same recipe I posted earlier but used butter flavored shortening and of course the carob. I also added pecans and unsweetened coconut. 

If you are not familiar with carob, it is a powder that is ground for the pods of carob trees. Carob is naturally sweet, unlike cocoa which needs tons of added sugar to make it taste good. Other benefits of carob are it's caffeine free, it aids in digestion, and it's high in vitamin E and calcium.

Also if you wanted you could give a cookie to your dog since carob is perfectly safe for animals to ingest. 


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