Keep saying "I can!" and one day you will say "I did!"

Yesterday morning I got up and drove to Shreveport to participate in a fourth of July race. The month of June was a great month for my running. I ran everyday - a thirty day run streak. I ran a total of 50 miles, ran my longest distance of 5 miles, and ran a PR mile of 8:40. For the month of July I have these goals to PR on my 5k, run 60 miles, PR on my fastest mile, and run 6 miles straight. So far I have done two of those. I PRd on my 5k and then after the race I got in a fourth mile and PRd my fastest time at 8:30. Firecracker 5k in Shreveport Huge vendor area set up, plus food, live music, and beer post race Post race face! I completed the race according to their race clock in 31:10 but I actually think it was slightly less than that because it wasn't chip timed and I wasn't at the front. I tried to use my phone app to track my time, but it paused on mile one for a little bit so I couldn't go with that time either. Eit...