Keep saying "I can!" and one day you will say "I did!"

Yesterday morning I got up and drove to Shreveport to participate in a fourth of July race. 
The month of June was a great month for my running. I ran everyday - a thirty day run streak. I ran a total of 50 miles, ran my longest distance of 5 miles, and ran a PR mile of 8:40. 

For the month of July I have these goals to PR on my 5k, run 60 miles, PR on my fastest mile, and run 6 miles straight. So far I have done two of those. I PRd on my 5k and then after the race I got in a fourth mile and PRd my fastest time at 8:30. 

Firecracker 5k in Shreveport 

Huge vendor area set up, plus food, live music, and beer post race 

Post race face! 
I completed the race according to their race clock in 31:10 but I actually think it was slightly less than that because it wasn't chip timed and I wasn't at the front. I tried to use my phone app to track my time, but it paused on mile one for a little bit so I couldn't go with that time either. Either way I know it was my fastest 5k time and I am SUPER proud because the course was hard. 

My last post was about low carb paleo and trying to watch my potato and fruit consumption, which I am trying to limit the super starchy fruits and my potatoes but I want to enjoy food. I love sweet potatoes ok! I figure if I am eating whole real foods I am being as healthy as I can be. I want my focus to be health and not weight. I had my husband hide my scale because I was obsessed with weighing. I would weigh sometimes four times a day to track my fluctuation and see if I was losing anything. It was becoming an unhealthy routine. I told myself I wouldn't weigh for a whole month. BUT I already cheated and weighed at my moms over the weekend. I did go SEVERAL days without weighing though- and according to the scale I am still at my lowest weight so I feel ok with it. I want to start focusing on just eating for health and getting better at running and lifting heavy. I don't want this to just be about my weight but about living and being fit and healthy. 

Salad with fajita chicken and peppers, tessemaes southwest ranch, and toasted pumpkin seeds

Cauliflower mash with chicken, mushrooms, onions, and bacon 

Fajita chicken and pepper omelet 

Sausage, tomato, and kale with a fried egg on top 

My favorite buffalo chicken salad with celery sticks and some strawberries 

Wild hog backstrap cooked in the crock pot with ketchup and coconut aminos, roasted broccoli, and roasted sweet potato rounds with cinnamon and cayenne pepper 

Blueberry eggs and bacon 

Leftover sausage and kale turned into an egg scramble with some fresh berries 

Seared antelope loin with sautéed brussel sprouts and roasted sweet potato rounds 

Handsome brooke farms has amazing eggs! If you see them BUY THEM 

Aides and spinach eggs cooked in duck fat with half a banana and some black berries 

My favorite salad ever! Spinach topped with shredded chicken, strawberries, avocado, toasted sunflower seeds, and a mustard balsamic dressing. 

Coconut crusted chicken nuggets with curry mustard dipping sauce and green beans.
I cut chicken breast into bite size pieces, dredge in coconut flour, then egg, then coconut flakes. Put on a coconut oil lined baking sheet and bake until cooked and the coconut is toasty! I cooked mine at 375 for about 35 minutes. 

Siete cassava coconut tortillas with spinach, sweet potato, and scrambled eggs 

Soft boiled eggs and tuna 

Chicken salad with mayo, celery, onion, grapes, and pecans  on a bed of spinach 

Blueberry eggs!
(1 banana, 3 eggs, cinnamon handful of blueberries all scrambled in ghee  and topped with nutmeg) 

Brussel sprouts, sweet potato rounds, shredded chicken, avocado, and strawberries 

Epic t-bone steak, baked sweet potato with cinnamon, and a salad with avocado and tessemaes ranch 
Bacon, eggs, hash browns, and fruit 

Spinach salad with walnuts, strawberries, and balsamic and delicious beef marinara on spaghetti squash

My Whole30 July Fourth sides 

Broccoli salad, deviled eggs, avocado, and a burger 

More sweet potato, brussel, chicken, with strawberries, and two dates with almond butter and cacao nibs

I probably ate more potatoes than I should have, but again I didn't gain any weight and I felt good. It has been a few months since I did a photo comparison. I haven't been losing drastic amounts of weight so I didn't do them, but I decided I should see because while my scale isn't going way down I do know my clothes are getting bigger and I feel smaller.

My starting point before Whole30 MARCH 2015 

TODAY July 2016 

SOOO time to stop being hard on myself. This took a long time but I have come a long way. I am doing everything I need to do and if I am supposed to weigh 140 I will get to that number eventually. 


March 2015 
April 2015 

May 2015 
June 2015 

July 2015 

August 2015 

October 2015 

December 2015 

January 2016 

March 2016

July 2016 


  1. your progress is amazing. I am on day 6 of whole 30 and loving the program already!

    1. Thank you! I hope you love it as much as I do. It truly changed my life!


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