September wrap up!

September came and went so quickly! I finished up running a total of 75 miles, ran my furthest distance at eight straight miles, PRd my fastest mile at 7:52 and ran my fastest 5k at 26:53!

 I finished that race 8th overall female and there were 400 runners that day! I am beyond proud of the amazing progress I have made just in the last four months or so with my running. Sometimes in my head I am still the 280 pound girl who can barely run for 30 seconds and then I bust out these stats and remember how much I have changed. That race was in Tyler, so afterwards we hit up Brookshires Fresh and had lunch and bought some whole30 items. 

To start out October I ran my very first 10k and my goal was to finish in under and hour. I got in at 58 minutes and medaled as the third place female! 

I am also on day 81 of my Whole130 days. I have officially decided that I am going to do Whole30 until my Half Marathon and then splurge on a post marathon brunch. My body works so much better when I eat real food. This is just how I plan to eat for the rest of my life. I am basically paleo/whole30 forever, but I will occasionally eat non compliant and to celebrate my half marathon I am eating waffles. 

Pecan crusted salmon, roasted sweet potatoes, and green beans

Blackberry eggs 

Cooked coleslaw with mustard and sesame oil plus crispy roasted okra 

Zucchini eggs 

Berry eggs 

Cinnamon roasted apples 

Epic bar and banana to the rescue when you don't have anything prepped for breakfast 
Chorizo eggs, baked plantains and jalapeƱos, and strawberries 

Turnip greens, roasted potatoes, and yummy coconut milk spiced pork chops 

This month my plan is to shave time off my mile,  run 9 miles straight, and run a total of 80 miles for the month. My next race is November 19th in Fort Worth for the Pumpkin Spice 15k and I am SUPER excited. Hopefully by the time race day gets here I will be ready to kick butt and surprise myself again. 


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