Good Morning LOVE

AH Saturday mornings are the best with my boo... and even better with a delicious cup of coffee from my favorite cup!
This mug came from our honeymoon and we stayed in Kingsland, TX at The Antlers Hotel in an old railroad caboose. I couldn't post the link for some reason but check it out at Anyway as usual inspired by Pinterest I decided to make these biggest loser oatmeal pancakes this morning and I was NOT dissapointed.
The idea of blending cottage cheese, oatmeal, and eggs was sort of weird to me but I trusted the recipe and did it!!
I used low fat cottage cheese, brown sugar (probably could have used splenda but it only asks for 2 tsp. so I figured it was ok), and added extra cinnamon OF COURSE.
If you attempt to make these also know that they are thicker than regular pancake batter and take a lot longer to cook through but they are very worth it. Its like a delicious oatmeal cake or a soft oatmeal cookie. In thinking of oatmeal cookies I added dark chocolate chips to my husbands.
I decided to keep myself on the low calorie train and not use butter but instead apple butter that we got on our trip to Pennsylvania and top it with sugar free syrup.
I don't love sugar free syrup but the brand I found that tastes most like the real thing and not with a weird sour fake sugar taste is Mrs. Butterworth's. With only 20 calories for a whole 1/4 cup it is perfect! It was seriously a delicious breakfast and you can find the recipe HERE. ENJOY!!!!


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