Always doomed to fail...

 I can't stop singing this song! "STORY OF MY LIFE! Always doomed to fail?"

I hope not! BUT I totally fell off the wagon. I got a bad toenail infection and couldn't work out and then I decided that I didn't need to watch what I was eating because I was breastfeeding and I would just wait until I had weaned. Well if you follow me on instagram you know that I had to wear maternity pants the other day. I tried on five outfits and finally just gave up and put them on. I felt like a whale and that day I decided I was done. I hope to start making healthy choices a habit like they used to be. No more crappy food and now that Emma is weaned no more excuses not to work out.

I am not going to just give up because I keep falling down! Time to blog, time to eat right, time to get active. I started to hear my hypocrisy as I was talking to my husband about Emma eating food and not giving her certain things because ewwww. If I don't want my kid to eat it why am I eating it? If I wouldn't give it to her I shouldn't give it to myself. If I want to teach my daughter a healthy lifestyle I have to live it.


  1. So happy to see some newer post! Your little one is adorable! I just had a little boy in Feb. so I'm kicking my butt in gear too.


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