It has arrived!

My Advocare package has arrived.
I have been reading over all kinds of guides and tips etc. on how to get the most out of my challenge and I am really excited but also very nervous.

I am starting on Sunday March 1st, my advisers start date was March 1st, 2014 so it's good luck! On March 6th we start spring break and I go to Dallas with our high school choir kids for their spring trip.
On our itinerary:
1. Spaghetti Warehouse
2. Dave and Busters
3. Six Flags
4. Pizza party

Advocare isn't just about a 24 day period once, it's a catalyst to start better choices and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I know that I will always have times where I will be faced with bad food choices but facing them so early in my 24 day period is scary. I looked at the menus and made a game plan for what I will do. I've got bars, shakes, and spark and plan to do that for breakfast and lunch and pack some snacks - fruit and nuts. At dinner if there is a set menu (because we set it up to be somewhat all inclusive for our kids) I will either find a choice that works or order off menu. I am going to remain dedicated to this challenge and work very hard to focus on the things we do that aren't eating. I love food and I love trying new things but I am going to have to start focusing on food in a different way or I will always be obese. Eating clean and healthy can be just as enjoyable as eating a giant gooey piece of pizza (yes...right...yes) and for the next 24 days I am committed 100% not to break the rules. I have told my husband, my parents, and my best friend the main details of the plan so that the people around me know and can keep me on track and support me. I am so excited to see what happens over this next month. I am going to take it a day at a time and plan my day and meals so I don't stress over it but it's just becomes a natural routine.

I hope that I can one day show before and after pictures like my adviser and inspiration Emily!

Here is her advocare link if you are interested in reading her story and finding out more about their product line!


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