Day 1

When I woke up this morning it felt like Christmas. I was really excited that today was the first day to really focus on a better lifestyle and change myself. During the cleanse phase you take a fiber supplement powder and this aint no metamucil it's like hardcore weird nasty something. It looks like I took dead grass from my yard and ground it up. I read from other advocare people that the fiber drink was not great and to just down it quickly.

Today at church we had a fundraiser luncheon so I went prepared and brought my blender bottle and meal shake plus a banana for my mid morning snack. 

After church I had another spark on my way to Walmart to get some things before heading to the gym. Today was my first time trying Watermelon Spark and it was real good! 

After my workout I had half a larabar and some grapes. 

I took a screen shot of my advocare rep and motivators facebook status today. I hope that I am in the same place she is now in the next year. 

(The text message at the top of the page was from my sweet student who was excited about my advocare journey too!)

Tonight's dinner: Chicken, whole wheat penne with organic natural marinara, and roasted broccoli.

You take an Omega supplement (fish oil) with dinner and then before bed an herbal cleanse supplement which is a special blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. This supplement is supposed to help with digestion.

SO day one is done! 


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