Day 2

This morning I was really tired and had some major back pain. (toddler feet in my back all night)

So of course I ran for my Spark!

Last night I researched some ways to take the fiber drink and read to drink it with a straw! It actually helped. I think gulping made me gag easier so I got the fiber drink down and hit the car with a meal bar and some fruit because I eat on my drive to work. At school I made sure to bring my tumbler for water and drink plenty of it. Thankfully Danielle is with me because I had to leave to go potty a couple of times during class. 

While I was rehearsing boys choir I ate a larabar. Today I had the keylime flavor and it was SO good. 
Their other flavors are probably better choices because this particular one has key lime juice so the sugars are a little higher, but they are totally clean and have no sugar added or anything processed. It's an easy, quick, throw in your purse snack. 

For lunch I had the strawberry meal replacement shake and I brought berries for my afternoon snack. 

After the gym I was SOOOO starving that I had to get a snack when I got home. I had half an avocado and a hardboiled egg. OMG it was so good.

Tonights dinner is a pork chop, brussel sprouts, and half a sweet potato! YUMMY

So two days down and twenty two to go! 



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