Low Carb Paleo?

I've tried a low carb diet before. It was during college and I ate a lot of bacon, eggs, pork rinds, and cheese. Needless to say it sucked BIG TIME. I had some serious mood swings and felt like crap - because I was eating crap. Every since that experience I have pushed off the idea of low carb dieting. THEN I hit a plateau. I mean HARD. In the past five weeks I hadn't lost a single pound. I was really irritated and needed to figure out what I could do within the realm of paleo/whole30 that would get me past my plateau. In the book It Starts With Food , they talk about limiting your intake of fruit and potatoes if weight loss is a key goal. So I decided for one week I would avoid all fruit and potatoes and see what happened. So far I have pushed through my plateau but a whopping 4 pounds and I am now only 15 pounds away from my initial goal of being half my size. FIFTEEN POUNDS. That is completely doable and now that I have realized that I should limit my sweet potatoes, banan...