Budget report week one!

I've come to the end of my first week. I went ahead and went to the grocery store this afternoon instead of waiting until tomorrow.

I got my entire weeks worth of food for $55 

My menu for this week 

B - Salmon, spinach eggs, and avocado 
L- Acorn squash with marinara 
D - Dove poppers with slaw salad 

B - Blueberry banana eggs 
L- Tuna salad 
D- Aloha meatballs and plantains 

B- Bacon and eggs 
L - Chicken tacos 
D - Fish and roasted broccoli 

B- Smoothie 
L- Sardines and slaw salad 
D - Shepherds Pie 

B - Scrambled eggs and fruit 
L - Buffalo chicken casserole 
D - Chicken curry with eggplant 

B - Smoothie 
L - Chicken tacos 
D - Leftover Shepherds Pie 

B - Scrambled eggs 
L- Buffalo chicken casserole 
D- Leftover chicken curry

So my Kroger haul consisted of 

3 cans of tuna -60 cents per can 
2 cans of sardines - 2.20 per can * a little pricy 
1 large package of chicken breasts - ON SALE $6.50 
1 bottle of franks buffalo hot sauce - $3.27 
Suja smoothie beet juice - $1.49 on manager special 
Walnuts - $1.89 
1 bag of unsweetened coconut - $1.39 
Mushrooms - 2.49 
Strawberries -$2 
Raspberries - 99 cents 
Broccoli - $1.88 
2 large russet potatoes - $1.69 
1 sweet potato - 88 cents 
3 large onions - $1.48 
Bag of carrots - 89 cents 
2 large eggplants- $1.98 
1 bag of kale slaw salad - $4.19 
1 large plantain - $1 
1 haas avocado - $1.50 
4 granny smith apples - $1.60 
6 jalapeno peppers - 40 cents 
3 green bell peppers - $2.67 
1 whole celery - $1.59 
1 cantaloupe - 88 cents 
4 limes - $1 
1 pineapple - $2.99 
1 dozen eggs - $2.99  

We already had the salmon, dove, fish, ground pork and some chicken for our meals this week. 

This is our meat stock. I really don't think we have to buy meat for awhile and as you see we have a lot!

Here is the food we had this past week.  

Roasted carrots and potatoes with pork cooked in the crock pot with sauerkraut 

Spinach eggs and a banana 

Burgers with jalapeƱo poppers 

I stuffed the jalapeƱos with chive kite hill "cheese" and then wrapped them in bacon and baked them. HOLY COW so good 

Ate the very last of my paleo coconut flakes cereal. I add raisins and its JUST like raisin bran. I am not buying more of this because the box was $9 and that is SUPER pricy. I may splurge on it in a month or so, but right now I am going to enjoy the last of it and not buy anymore. 

Egg roll bowl and a hardboiled egg 

Bacon, eggs, and half an avocado 

pork and sauerkraut cooked in the crock pot and roasted sweet potatoes and apples 

more egg roll bowl and a side of cantaloupe 

As you can see I usually eat the same meal twice in a week. There is still leftover pork and sauerkraut that my hubby will take to work for lunch this week. He also already had bread and some other things in the pantry that are not compliant but they do of course come out of our $400 grocery budget. He hasn't purchased anything yet from this months budget but I will always include his non whole30 food in my weekly budget report- just FYI. 


Whole30 on a budget so far is successful. If you don't have the meat stock pile like I do, I would suggest making it by finding great deals and managers special prices on meats and freezing them to create your stock pile- OR find a hunter and have them share the wealth. 


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