FOOD- Week 5

I love Kroger's Simple Truth organic line and it is really pretty reasonably priced. Kroger has a great produce and health food section and it makes shopping for paleo/whole30 foods really easy! 

This week I got chicken, ground turkey, ground beef, and chicken sausage 

Organic raisins, onions, broccoli slaw, snap peas, limes, dark roast coffee, salsa 

bananas, tomato sauce, carrots, acorn squash, avocado

cage free eggs, sweet potatoes, roasting veggie box, and cherry tomatoes 

Monday night we had applegate farms hot dogs with sauerkraut, peppers and onions, and mustard

I sautee the onions and peppers in coconut oil 

boil the organic sauerkraut with celery seed, caraway seed, and marjoram 

This photo doesn't look great but it tasted AWESOME 

Tuesday for lunch I had chipotle baked chicken, roasted veggies, and avocado with salsa 

Tuesday for dinner I had baked chicken topped with eggplant and spinach marinara 

Wednesday for breakfast I had applegate farms turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, and roasted veggies. 

Wednesday for lunch I had roasted veggies, sauerkraut, and an apple sausage with mustard 

Wednesday for dinner I made turkey stuffed mini peppers 

I mixed ground turkey, with one egg, chopped onion, some salsa, and spices then stuffed it into the peppers and put them in a dutch oven and baked them at 350 for an hour. I served them with sliced avocado, chopped onion, and lime juice and more salsa. OMG so good 

Thursday for breakfast I had a larabar 

for lunch I had the same as wednesday - leftover sauerkraut, chicken sausage, and roasted veggies

I had a snack of a banana stuffed with almond butter, cinnamon, and raisins 

for dinner I made almond coconut crusted chicken tenders with mango dipping sauce and snap peas

I blended almonds and coconut in the food processor. 

Dredge chicken tenders in egg and then the almond/coconut meal 
Place on a coconut oil greased pan and bake at 350 for 20 minutes then flip and bake another 20 minutes. 

For the mango dipping sauce I blended one mango with some coconut cream and added curry powder, cayenne, and chili. YUMMM 

Friday for brunch I had applegate farms turkey bacon and onion, spinach and kale frittata 

Sautee onions, spinach, and baby kale in a little coconut oil 

put the veggies in the bottom of a pie plate and top with scrambled eggs 

bake at 350 for about 45 minutes until eggs are set 

I wanted a mimosa with my brunch but since I am still doing whole30 today I opted for some kombucha in a wine glass! 

Tonight Chris is grilling hamburgers! 

Tomorrow I go off whole30 for five days! I don't plan to go too crazy except for tomorrow. I will be starting my day with champagne and going to the winery and enjoying cheese and bread and then for dessert my mom is making me banoffee pie! SUGAR!!!! To make up for tomorrow I am jogging today and Sunday. Sunday I will eat clean because Monday Chris and I leave for our anniversary trip. We are going back to Kingsland and staying in the caboose we stayed in on our honeymoon. On Monday we are going to a Thai place, Tuesday we are getting kolaches and having Mexican food, and Wednesday we are doing brunch at the cafe on the hotel grounds (eggs benedict yall) and then stopping in Waco at the Homestead Village to look around and then enjoy lunch at their cafe. On Tuesday we are going hiking and canoeing at Inks Lake state park so we will be active on our trip, but I am not going to let the next 5 days make me feel guilty. I won't go overboard, but I am not going to gain back 35 pounds in a few days of enjoying myself. Once we get back I am going to start round two of Whole30 because I truly love the way I feel when I eat this way. It is easy to maintain and I want to eat as many veggies as I can and that is a lot easier when you omit grains and dairy from the plate! I've been really focusing on my food more than my exercise so I hope in the next month to really bump that back up too. I still work out at least four times a week but I might need to change up my routine because this past week I haven't lost a pound! Again I want to focus on being healthy more than my weight. I might hide my scale this next month and simply gauge my success on how I feel and how I am eating and being active. 



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