I think it is time to focus on some non scale victories.
I weigh myself everyday sometimes twice and three times a day. Im obsessed with the scale.
I hope that every time I step on the scale I will have lost weight.
I am SO PROUD that I have been able to lose 83 pounds and I am now under 200 pounds for the first time as an adult.

HOWEVER- When I weigh the same or I fluctuate up a pound I beat myself up.
It has started to be a source of self abuse in a way.
While I do want to be conscious of everything I am doing to be as healthy and fit as I can my weight alone doesn't define that.

SO here are reasons I am AWESOME that have NOTHING to do with how much I weigh.

1. I workout at least 5 times a week
2. I run/jog a mile at least 3 times a week
3. I just bought a whole new set of clothes in a size LARGE for the first time ever
4. I am going to have my first Paleo Thanksgiving and I am not upset about not having dressing or traditional pie!
5. I have been eating Whole30 for 55 days! (part of why the paleo Thanksgiving doesn't scare me)
6. I am getting stronger and have been increasing my weights at the gym.
7. We took Emma to the park the other day and I did the rock climbing wall, and climbed up onto playground equipment, and went down slides without any difficulty or embarrassment.
8. My knees and back don't hurt all the time.
9. I am officially registered for two 5ks in the next month. WEEE
10. Im creating habits that will teach my daughter how to be healthy from the start and not have to fight for it at 30 like I am.

The thing is I am doing everything I should be to get fit and healthy and my weight WILL keep going down. I don't need to obsess over it. I know that my next goal is to get to 180, but weighing 3 times a day isn't going to make 180 come any faster. Eating clean and working hard at the gym will. I do those things and slowly I will get there the right way, building a habit and lifestyle on the way. In the end I don't plan to quit or gain any of this weight back, so for the rest of my life I just keep eating healthy and working out. It may take me five years to get to my ultimate fit self and thats ok. I have a LONG life in front of me I hope. When I am 35 and in the best shape of my life, I will thank myself for the changes I am making now. I can spend the rest of my life happy and healthy or as I age and continue to be obese start having health problems and going on medications to fix all the crap I did to my body for nothing other than a fleeting rush of greasy fast food. The reason I think whole30 is SO important is that is cleans your body and it changes your BRAIN. Food has a freaking hold on our brains. We think we need all the crap but we don't. We are addicted to sugar because it's in EVERYTHING pre packaged at the grocery story. Sugar is a drug that is making us crave more and more sugar. Is the food you are eating providing you with nutrition or is it simply making you fat? Healthy nutritious food tastes awesome when you are used to eating that kind of food on a daily basis. If you can cut the junk for 30 days it truly will help you make better food choices. There was a point where I had zero interest in making good food choices. I told myself "food is delicious and I don't really care what it's doing to me I am gonna eat all the things!" Then I realized I was headed to 300 pounds and I couldn't do all the things I physically wanted to if I kept gaining weight. You've all probably seen the meme "Losing weight is hard and being over weight is hard! Chose your hard!" Life is a gift that we can live to the best of our abilities or we can just be lazy and make it through and regret not seeing our potential.

On Sunday I put my phone in the washing machine so I have been without a phone for a full week, which means I don't have a lot of meals to share with you. 

Proscuitto wrapped shrimp over sautéed onions and spinach. YUMMM 
Just wrap raw shrimp in proscuitto and bake until the shrimp is pink. 

I made more stuffed acorn squash. 
Cook ground pork, diced apples, onions, fresh cranberries, raisins and pecans with sage and cinnamon

I added in roasted brussel sprouts and stuffed it in half and acorn squash and served with baked chicken. It was SO good. 

Sunday we went to Dallas to see Tosca. 

We knew we would be gone all day and stopping to feed the students at fast food places, so we packed coolers with Whole30 food. 

At Wendys we had chicken salad. 
I made it with baked shredded chicken, primal kitchens mayo, apples, grapes, and pecans 

At Dairy Palace we had avocado chicken salad with melon and banana chips! 

This photo doesn't do this meal justice. I made orange pecan salmon and it was SO GOOD. 
I took the salmon filet and covered it in whole30 compliant organic dijon then crushed pecans and orange zest and orange juice. It was really really yummy. 

I have FIVE days left in my Whole60! When this round is over I am going to go Paleo until I start my next round, which I decided to start in January. 

A Paleo Thanksgiving and Christmas.... I think I will survive! 



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