You aren't doing enough...

Tomorrow is day 60 of my Whole90 days! I have a month left until my one year fit journey start! WEEEEEE

I have been complaining for a few weeks that my weight WILL NOT BUDGE.

I tried not to get discouraged by it because I could SEE differences in my body.

I also was still at the lowest weight I have ever been and I wasn't gaining weight at least, BUT, I couldn't lose anything. When you're eating great and running an almost 10 minutes mile and you don't get to lose a freaking POUND for a whole month it can be like WTF!???!?

On Wednesday I decided to look up what to do in a plateau. 
Some ideas: 
1. Eat more for a few days so I up my calories and then can "shock" my body back into eating less. Something about increasing Leptin. 
2. Be conscious of carbs. Either increase or decrease depending on my diet. 
3. Push WAY harder at the gym.

I workout a lot. In the beginning it was HARD and now my workout is pretty "easy".  So I decided to PUSH so it's really hard and see what happens. I did the DEVIL stair master for 30 minutes.
I made myself sweaty, out of breath, red, and dying - how I felt almost a year ago trying to jog. 

My body has gotten used to what I am doing and it doesn't have to work as hard anymore so I need to switch it up and make things harder. 
AND low and behold I am finally down three more pounds!!!! After a month of nothing I am THRILLED. Im hoping that it will come off easier now that I know what my body is going to respond to.  I am now at 97 pounds - only three freaking pounds from 100. WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? 

Today I ran two miles in 24 minutes. 12 minute miles are not bad at all! I am super proud of how far I have come as a runner. To run on the treadmill for 24 minutes straight and not be dead? When I started that seemed impossible. For anyone just now starting their fit journey - I promise you the impossible now will be possible if you keep trying. DON'T GIVE UP.

Now for my Whole30 inspirations from this past week 


My go to Egg Roll Bowl! 

Eggs scrambled in ghee and a banana with almond butter and cacao nibs 

That is what the salad mix was called on the bag! 
It is carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprout, and cabbage salad and I added raisins, pecans, chicken breast, and tessemaes pepper dressing 

Rainbow salad with a  hot dog and plantain chips with guacamole 

Baked jalapeño, onion, sausage, and potato over eggs 

Roasted potato and green beans and baked tilapia with mustard pecan crust 


Beef and veggies cooked in a crock pot with coconut aminos, tessemaes ketchup, sesame oil, ginger, chinese 5 spice, and coconut milk. 

Sweet potato mash topped with sausage and spinach 

Whole30 emergency staples

The buffalo chicken casserole I blogged about last ... SERIOUSLY I wanted to make it again for this week but instead I made a different squash casserole. 

I made the pizza pie 


I portioned it out in tupperware with a little extra pizza sauce on top. 

I also roasted brussels, chicken, and sweet potato. 

Last meal I want to share that was SO GOOD. 

Green chili pork in the crock pot. 
I put a huge pork shoulder on top of onion, jalapeño, green chili, and salsa verde and a splash of bone broth. 

I made tostones and sliced avocado and pineapple to go with it.

I used the recipe HERE for tostones. SO YUMMY 
My plantain was a little black though so I think it was sweeter. I loved it. 

It was SOOOOO amazing. I could eat it everyday. 


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