#JanuaryWhole30 and how Instagram helps me stay motivated!

Instagram is seriously the best inspiration! 
I follow so many users that do Whole30 and seeing al of the delicious food that has suddenly EXPLODED thanks to the #JanuaryWhole30. 

To kickstart my new year I did the Resolution Run on January 2nd. 
I finished with my best time yet of 38:04, came in 22nd out of 40 in my age division and came in 43rd overall from a total of about 100 runners. That motivates me to keep pushing and get better every race. My next race goal is to finish in 37 minutes. I think it is pretty reasonable to shave off a minute every race. I remember my very first race I was pretty much alone. I got left in the dust because I walked most of it. I am now able to jog EVERY mile of a 5K and have done it pretty much three times now. (my last 5k had some tough hills and I did walk a few times) 
Saturday though I kept my pace and easily jogged the whole time. I realized when I was done that it was pretty "easy" compared to my starting point. So I decided when I finished that the Resolution Run 2017 would be my first 10K!!! 

As I was running I had an epiphany that I was officially a runner. I was totally enjoying myself and I was staying with the pack. This is my new thing and I am addicted! 

Post race treats were SO not Whole30!!!! 

So we went to Starbucks and I got an Americano and a That's It bar 

Here are my latest Whole30 meals 

I sauteed compliant chorizo with onions and spinach 

Then I added in eggs and scrambled. 

Found some chipotle chili sauce and pickled eggs at Jefferson General Store. 
The pickled eggs are texturally not ok haha. They basically get SUPER hard and it feels like a rubber egg. They taste good but they will have to be chopped up and added to like tuna salad or something. 

Light quick lunch of oysters packed in olive oil and some kombucha 

Sautéed some onions, peppers, mushrooms, and carrots with ground bison and added in coconut aminos and ginger juice

Butternut squash, spinach, and bacon quiche 

That is new years day brunch with kombucha 

Grilled burgers with roasted asparagus 

Ham with roasted potatoes, cauliflower, and parsnips and sautéed squash 

Ham soup with a side of leftover butternut quiche. I found this recipe on Instagram from @paleomg


Again Instagram led me to this recipe. 
I put all of this in the crock pot today on high for four hours then used an immersion blender on it. 

I put it in my new meal prep kit with some toasted pumpkin seeds, and coconut flake and one chicken sausage. 

A lot of my photos are screen shots of fabulous Whole30 ideas like this 

So many people out there are doing the Whole30 and post their meals and inspiration and having a community like that to interact with daily helps me stay motivated and focused and on track. 


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