Fit Girl in the Making!

I only have a couple of weeks left on this 90 days of Whole30. I decided I will be going to day 100. That is the day of the Warrior Dash. 100 days of Whole30 clean healthy eating!!!! The day of the Warrior Dash I am going to be wearing a shirt that says "Fit Girl in the Making!" and I am stoked. I finally am reaching my goals and I truly know it is because of Whole30. After the dash you get a beer and I am going to drink it for sure!!! My 100 days and 1 year fit journey reward. 

Since my last post here are the foods I have been eating. 

Allspice seasoned baked chicken drums with broccoli kale slaw and plantain chips

Parsnips, rutabagas, and sausage bake 

Green chili pork, pineapple, avocado, and plantain tastiness 

Leftover pork with tessemaes bbq sauce over a sweet potato 

Shredded chicken with homemade ancho chili enchilada sauce mixed with peppers and onions and cauliflower and baked. Top with avocado, onion, lettuce, and olives. SO GOOD 

I made broccoli salad and my mom brought fruit for a church luncheon. I just mixed broccoli slaw, kale salad, chicken breast, raisins, pecans, and  the dressing was mustard with vinegar and curry powder. SO YUMM 

Roasted potatoes and onions with chorizo and shrimp! (MAKE THIS) 

Bullet proof coffee with sausage and eggs! 

Buffalo chicken casserole with avocado. THIS STUFF FOR REAL you should try it

Plantains and sausage 

Leftover chicken cauliflower enchilada bake with pineapple and plantains

This week we went to San Antonio. Originally my Whole30 partner in crime and I thought "we don't want to Whole30 at TMEA!!!" BUT we decided it would be fine and we could find good food. WE WERE SO RIGHT. Whole30 at TMEA is completely easy and WONDERFUL.

I packed epic bars, bananas, and almond butter for breakfast 

For lunch I planned doing a bunless bison burger at the Republic of Texas 

We got guacamole and steamed veggies. SO GOOD 

Music session treats. Iced Americano and a That's It bar. 

We even made time to hit the gym on Thursday and Friday!!! 

If you eat on the river ever PLEASE eat breakfast at Las Canarias. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! 
It was seriously the most delicious and amazing breakfast ever. They obviously cook fresh. They make their own chorizo so I asked and it was Whole30 compliant. WOOOO They used cage free eggs and had the most amazing fresh pico de gallo. The fruit was fresh and yummy. AND their coffee was STRONG and off the chain. I will eat here EVERY year. TMEA AND TCDA this is a new tradition for sure. 

Because we had a huge breakfast and were going to eat steak for dinner we decided to do a "snack" lunch. I had ants on a log and an epic bar. 

Friday night we went to Texas Land and Cattle - Steak, baked sweet potato, and grilled asparagus 

Saturday morning we had an 8am session and woke up late. So I bars for breakfast during the session!

For lunch we ran to Whole Food on our way out of town. I had the salad bar and a kombucha! 

Whole30 is getting easier and easier. It's just how I eat. It's not something I have to think hard about. It is not impossible to eat Whole30 on vacation. The best part we didn't feel deprived. We ate YUMMY food every meal. We had a great time and never felt deprived. We missed Hot Joy a little bit. I mean crab fat wings.... BUT instead we had steak, chorizo, veggies, fruit, eggs, salad, and I LOST WEIGHT thanks to it.  Probably the first time I lost weight at TMEA. 

So the countdown is now at 102 pounds gone. 38 pounds to go!!! 


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