Museum snacks OH MY

Literally the first thing I do every morning is walk to the coffee pot! (Unless my husband is home and awake before me - then usually he brings me my coffee) I saw this coffee at Natural Grocers and thought it was too fun to pass up. It is dark and smoky and SO good. 

This morning Emma had a banana larabar, cantaloupe, raspberries, and some kite hill yogurt. 

I tasted the yogurt and it was EXTRA sweet. I am surprised my child didn't eat the whole container. 

I had spinach and sausage fried eggs with strawberries

This morning we had a museum kids day!  

I didn't realize they were going to give them food and drink - she had punch which was made with 7up and 5 goldfish. Thankfully it was only five little goldfish so not enough gluten to make a HUGE difference. I don't mind her having it for special occasions and almost every other kid (there was one who couldn't have gluten that I gave my that's it bar to) was eating goldfish so I didn't want to tell her she couldn't. Giving soda to four and five year olds probably wasn't the best choice though. 

After the museum we had a picnic and went swimming again. 

We had weenies, a pickle, and some apple sauce. She wasn't interested in the potato chips.

Emma absolutely loved the little weenies. In fact I gave myself 6 and her 3 and she STOLE 2 of mine. 

I had these flackers and some kite hill cheese spread. 


After swimming we took a rest and went to contemporary music practice. 

Emma decided she had to wear her dance clothes. 

When we got home it was already past 7. I had planned to do turkey burger sliders with avocado and sweet potato fries. The burgers and potatoes would have taken about 40 minutes to cook, so I decided the ground turkey would be fast if I just browned it in a skillet. So I had taco salad and Emma had spaghetti. 

These two together make a delicious salad dressing! 



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