Food Addiction Solved

I feel like I solved my food addiction issues by not getting rid of it but adjusting the addiction to fit my needs. I am currently addicted to finding as many healthy recipes for things I love as possible. I love bold flavors and I am not picky at all. There are really only two things I don't eat: raw tomatoes and cucumbers. I love all proteins and fruits and I am very adventurous when it comes to flavors and trying new weird things. Nothing in this post is weird or adventurous just simple and good. These recipes work for people who don't have a ton of time. Speaking of not using 1-2 hours making a delicious healthy meal a huge tip I have is to PLAN AHEAD.

Here is my handy Martha Stewart weekly planner decal that stays on my fridge to plan the weeks meals. Planning and sticking to the menu helps me prep and helps me not to over eat or wait til I am starving because I plan and food is ready and I know what I am going to eat - no more no less. 

My other tip for successfully controlling food addiction is to be very organized. Keep your pantry and fridge clean. It helps keep you calm and balanced when making food choices and be sure that you don't have anything in the pantry you can't or shouldn't eat! 

 If you can make certain items ahead of time on Saturday or Sunday when you actually have the time and freeze or refrigerate until you use it you will really appreciate it later. I did that this week with pork loin. On Saturday I put a big pork loin in the crock pot with a can of diet coke. I let that cook until tender and falling apart. Then I let it cool and put it in the fridge. I have several different meals this week that use the pork in different ways and styles so we don't get bored by it and the meat is already cooked and just needs to be heated. I recommend everyone do this! 

Blackened Baked Catfish 

Spice Blend 

  • 1 TBS Paprika
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp Brown Sugar
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp cayenne
  • 1 tsp Oregano
  • 1 tsp Special shit (this is a good seasoning blend that basically has the same exact stuff plus a little chile powder if you don't have a blend you like just add a little chile powder or extra tsp of something you like)

Spray Catfish lightly with olive oil then put all seasoning on both filets and bake at 350 for 20 minutes

Serve with lemon wedges 

Kale and Onion Rice 

  • 1 cup uncooked rice cooked according to direction
  • 2 stems of Kale 
  • 1/2 a red onion 
  • Olive oil 
  • Soy Sauce (use Low Sodium) 
Saute together kale and onion with olive oil until tender and cooked down

Put in cooked rice and a little soy sauce and stir together 

THAT'S IT its easy and seriously delicious 

Butternut Squash Fries 

  • 1/2 butternut squash cut into fries 
  • Olive oil spray 
  • Seasoning Blend (mine is a spicy chile blend) 
  • Corn Starch 
Coat fries in olive oil seasoning and corn starch then bake at 425 and flip about every 15 minutes until cooked and crispy takes about 40 minutes. Obviously this isn't a time saver recipe BUT it is yummy. You could always pre cook butternut squash and just eat squash on the side rather than fries if you are really trying to save time. I may do that next time because mine didn't really get crisp even though I used the corn starch technique. BUMMER I also hear using a wire rack helps them crisp maybe I will try that next time. 

Pulled Pork Sandwich 

  • Crock pot cooked pork mentioned above 
  • BBQ Sauce 
  • Red Onion 
  • Sandwich Thin

I may be the only person who didn't figure this out sooner but I toasted my sandwich thins separately for a long time and then a month or so ago I realized DUH toast the whole thing don't separate it. It makes the outsides toasty but the inside stays soft. This makes them perfectly toasted without getting hard because they are so thin individually. 

Assemble and DONE super fast and easy because the pork is already cooked and ready to toss in BBQ sauce. 

The MAN version for hubby? 


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