Minty Fresh

I have not weighed in several weeks. I decided to focus more on habits rather than a number on the scale. BUT I think that may have been a mistake because I feel like I have gained weight. I have also been out of the gym for a few weeks because of illness and being busy. I did yoga and zumba a couple of times, but I feel like I am not working hard enough. 

I know that this is a long journey and lately that long road ahead of me has made me lose sight of goals. I am being ridiculous but thats ok because talking through this helps. 

These are things that I must stop saying... 

JUST REST TODAY ITS OK NOT TO WORK OUT: this does not help me. If I have a legit reason not to work out then thats one thing but sometimes its more just I don't want to. I was working out 5 days a week and now I am lucky to get in 3... EMBARRASSED 

ITS OK TO EAT MORE BECAUSE ITS HEALTHY: my portions are getting bigger lately... I need to start focusing on eating slow and thinking about why I am eating. Focus on health and feeling good not about mmm that tastes good lets eat more. 

YOU HAVE SO FAR TO GO YOU MAY AS WELL CHEAT TODAY: I am not a big cheater - my worst cheats are from the above mentioned. I may eat healthy but calories in healthy foods still count! I also have to stop cheating myself out of a workout. The back injury and then getting sick got me out of my routine and I fell into bad habits again.

It's weird how quickly you can get out of a routine. I have to tighten my belt and keep my head focused on the goal. 



moving on... 

I have a slight mint obsession. 

I love all things mint. I love mint in food and drink but I also really love mint bath products. 

Here is a brief product review of my current minty fresh toiletries 

BioInfusion Rosemary Mint shampoo and conditioner. This is a Walgreens brand and is currently on major sale at $5 a bottle. WHAT? I love mint shampoo and conditioner and have used many different brands. The reason I like this one is it actually makes your scalp tingle which I love. Its also not tested on animals and is paraben and sulfate free which is always a plus. If you need to try a new shampoo/conditioner I highly recommend it. 

Dr. Teal's RELAX. Eucalyptus Spearmint bubble bath and epsom salts. This is great after a long hard day and great after a tough workout to relax your muscles and senses. I like to follow this up with mint tea. 

Mirra Daily Body Wash - Rosemary Mint. It smells fabulous and has quinoa protein and vitamin A. 

And last a favorite for years Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Stress Relief in Eucalyptus Spearmint. I love everything they make- their shampoo and conditioner is also really nice but doesn't have the tingle factor. I use the body mist at night and I also use the linen spray and have since I was in about 8th grade. I LOVE THAT STUFF 

Just an FYI 

  • Relieve symptoms of indigestion, heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome by relaxing the muscles in and around the intestine.
  • Act as a powerful antioxidant, protecting the body against the formation of cancerous cells.
  • Inhibit the growth of many different types of bacteria and fungus.
  • Ease and unblock the breathing and respiratory passages and airways.
  • Relieves the symptoms of colds and flu.
  • Mint can help with nasal allergies.
  • It can relieve congestion, head colds and headaches.
  • Act as a mild sedative and has calming properties.
  • Relieve minor aches and pains such as muscle cramps and sprains.
  • Combat bad breath.
  • Provides a cooling sensation to the skin and can help to treat minor burns, itching and skin irritations.
  • Mint is a very good cleanser for the blood.
  • Mint tea can help clear up skin disorders such as acne.


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