Lox and Cream Cheese in a Quiche!

Lets start this post with a confession... 
Those of you who follow me on facebook already know this but last night GASP I had alcohol!
 I had to do it. If you are a teacher you know what I mean. 

Yes its true yesterday was extremely stressful! 
I won't go into the details but I had several things yesterday that made me seriously question my job. 
Those kind of moments probably should not lead to "Maybe I should have a drink!" but they did...

I started with plan A which was to go for a long walk with my husband. That helped a little but it wasn't enough. The beer he ran and got for me WAS. 

So yes I cheated on my goal of no alcohol and it wasn't a bachelorette party or wedding it was just a regular old Friday night at home with my husband. I don't really regret this decision because it did help me relax and let go of the stuff that happened at work. 


I woke up and it was GORGEOUS outside!

I got stuff to have a bagel and lox but for some reason this morning that didn't sound quite so satisfying on my cool fall morning. 

So I pulled out my whole wheat crust recipe again and made my bagel and lox into a quiche. 

Wheat Crust 
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour 
  • 4 tbs coconut oil 
  • 2 tbs skim milk 
  • 3/4 tsp salt 
  • Laughing Cow cream cheese wedges 
  • Liquid Eggs such as Break-Free Kroger egg product 
  • Capers 
  • Dill 
  • Smoked Salmon 

Put crust in the pie pan and then add all ingredients except eggs 

Add egg and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes 

 While it baked I went outside and played with my dogs, drank my delicious pumpkin spice coffee 

Sugar Free Pumpkin Spice Coffee Mate MMMM 

I love how our pool has been gorgeous the last month but its FREEZING ... of course!

After a good play session the quiche was done 

What a wonderful Saturday morning spent soaking in the gorgeous day


  1. You are soooooo creative in the kitchen!! That looks soooo yummy! I did not know they made the pumpkin spice creamer in sugar free....I am going on a little hunt tomorrow to see if I can find it in my area. Last but not least.....your puppies are adorable.



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