Change your life!

I am 22 days into my third round of Whole30 and I feel great! I have several people asking me about the program and telling me they are going to do a round and that is so exciting. I love being motivation to others to think about their food. 

The creator of Whole30 Melissa Hartwig this week actually posted TWO comments to me on Instagram. SO FYI I am legit. #winning 

I am officially down 91 pounds and CRUSHING it. 

In the past the idea of doing Whole30 during Christmas would have sounded insane. Fudge, pie, cookies, ginger snaps, hot cocoa, and peppermint mochas OHHHH! At the beginning of October I was posting about eating Waffles in November. I never did that and I actually don't want a waffle anytime soon. I tried the paleo pie and even unrefined natural sugars were too much temptation for me. Whole30 isn't intended to be 365 but I will say the more you eat this way and you see how your body reacts to eating right it becomes an addiction. You get used to not having sugar and I truly believe that is a HUGE deal in how our brains and bodies work. In my opinion no sugar is the key to changing your eating habits into a lifestyle. 

So think of sugar like this 

Will I never eat sugar again? No that is probably not realistic. I will always love sweets, but right now I know that I don't have my cravings all the way in control and I want to be in control of my choices and not spiral into a decadent cinnamon roll covered death. 

Whole30 makes me feel like I have control and I can eat without any worry. I am eating real food that is healthy for me and will ultimately help me reach my goals. I never go hungry. I eat food that I love. If you eat real food instead of sugar free, low fat, processed off the shelf crap I promise you that your body will respond and you will be healthy and get the weight off. 
LISTEN ONE MORE TIME: Whole30 will change your life. 

Here is are my latest Whole30 meals for inspiration

My go to egg roll bowl! 

Turned leftover dinner into breakfast by adding eggs! 

One dish meal. I baked some green beans, onions, and compliant sausage 

UH yes I ate 4 pieces of bacon ... YAAASSSSSS 

I am a Kombucha freak for life. OMG I love it so much

This was pork stuffed mushrooms and rosemary cauliflower rice! SO yummy 

Give yourself 30 days of commitment to this and you will be changed. 
If you're struggling check this article out. 

Go past the first week - you will survive!


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