Whole30 Whole LIFE

I am officially down 88 pounds! Only 12 more to go before I officially hit the 100 pound mark.

I am already on day 15 of my 90 days eating Whole30 compliant! I am really excited to end this year long fit journey with a bang!

I have scheduled myself a 5k every month for the next five months and I plan to remain on a clean eating whole30 plan for the rest of my life. Pretty soon I will be doing 10Ks with my friend Sarah! (maybe haha)

I have seen my body change over these past 8 months and watched myself do things I didn't think I could do. It is amazing what a little effort towards better eating habits can do.

Whole30 claims to change your life and I can guarantee you IT WILL. If you are even a little bit on the fence about trying Whole30 do it.

I started this journey in March doing Advocare. They have a great program too but not every program  works for people. I realized that the dairy I was consuming was making my stomach hurt and they have a shake based program and it was causing my tummy to have issues. In May after two months trying out Advocare, I was doing research on plant based diets and cutting dairy and gluten etc. when I stumbled on the Whole30. I did some research, thought it made sense, bought their book and decided to give it a try. Truly I think that I would have done my yo yo cycle without Whole30. It has completely changed the way I view food, how I treat food, and the way my body reacts to food. It is not just about the weight loss it's about the emotional connection to food and the physical reactions to food. THIS is the reason the program changes you.

I am now officially a Whole30 crazy person. I wear my shirt to the gym and hope to convert the world haha.

SO here is more of what I have been eating on my third round of Whole30.

Banana with almond butter and cacao nibs is one of my new favorite breakfasts #cacaonibsarelife

Curry broccoli salad with pecans and raisins and two applegate hot dogs 

I made these yummy asian pork meatballs with ground pork, egg, coconut flour, coconut aminos, green onions, jalapeƱos, ginger, salt and pepper 

I served it with cooked carrots and snap peas mixed with a little bit of sunflower butter and coconut aminos 

This was AWESOME this week. I baked butternut squash with pumpkin pie spice and chipotle powder then mixed in roasted chicken and asparagus 

Grilled chicken mixed with onions, jalapeƱo, avocado, and pomegranate 

Dinner one night was roasted potatoes, bacon, and spinach eggs. YAAAASSSS

Aidells chicken apple sausage with soft boiled eggs - those eggs though DROOOOL 

Carrot salad and kombucha! Carrot salad is seriously amazing and with just five ingredients it's also easy. Just mix together crushed pineapple and compliant mayo (I use primal kitchens which you can buy on amazon) and then stir in shredded carrot, raisins, and pecans. DONE 

For lunch this week I prepped some turkey meatballs with ground turkey, shredded zucchini, rosemary, salt, pepper, and to bind egg and coconut flour. 

I roasted a mix of veggies to serve with it and have it all portioned out and ready for lunch. 
My veggie mix was the roasting veggie container at kroger which has zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, butternut squash, onions, and carrots plus I added in brussel sprouts. 

This was a pork roast I cooked in the crock pot with veggie stock and a head of cabbage and shredded onion. I served it with roasted carrots and parsnips. OMG Parsnips may be my current obsession. SO yummy and a great substitute for potatoes. 

Fruit and soft boiled eggs. 

With a little effort and planning, anyone can do the Whole30 and be successful. It is truly life changing and I credit it with getting me to this point in my journey. 


  1. Wow, Girlie! You look awesome...and better yet, you look like you FEEL awesome! Love some of your meal ideas, I'll definitely be using them when we start our first Whole 30 next month. I can't WAIT! Ready to start feeling healthy and energetic again. You're certainly a great motivator! I'll be following you closely as I start my own journey. Thanks so much for sharing! --Bobbie


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