Warrior Fuel!

On day 100 of my Whole30 I did the Warrior Dash and post race had seriously the best beer ever! 

When we got home we had a few mimosas and got ready to go to dinner. That night I had cheese, bread, dairy, and sugar. The next morning my tummy was like WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I went to brunch and had a few cheats there too. I decided a two day weekend of non whole30 was totally acceptable after being Whole30/paleo for 6 straight months. I realized even more the power that food has to change you. I love Whole30 even more now because when I eat Whole30 I feel in control. I don't really have a STOP thought when I consume sugar. So I am doing another 90 days strictly Whole30. At the end of this round I will celebrate with a 5K wine run. SO EXCITED. When 90% of your life is spent eating whole food, the very occasional weekend of sweets and alcohol isn't going to hurt your progress or send you spiraling into bad habits. This is what Whole30 is about. 

BLUEBERRY SAUSAGE - make this ... no really make this! 

I mixed ground pork with sage, fennel, nutmeg, salt, pepper, and fresh blueberries. I made them into patties and cooked them in the skillet. You want to try to get the blueberries in the meat if they stick out too much they will just fall out of the patty as the meat cooks. 

I cooked the rest of the blueberries down with a tiny bit of cinnamon and nutmeg. This tastes like straight syrup but it's just blueberries. SOOOO GOOD 

I served the patties with the blueberry sauce and crispy potatoes and eggs. So amazing! Also blueberry on he eggs was surprisingly yummy. I have seen people make blueberry scrambled eggs and thought ew that's weird. Turns out it's delicious. 

Emma helped me this night to stir my turnips and rutabagas. 

I roasted them and served with crispy roasted broccoli and chicken sausage. 

Leftover blueberry sausage, potatoes, and eggs!

Rutabaga, turnips, and sausage with brown mustard. 

On the go eats. My go to bars and a banana. 

This is apples, raisins, pecans, and a brussel kale pre bagged salad. I mixed in homemade immersion blender mayo with a little vinegar salt and pepper. 

Egg roll bowl. This is my fastest tastiest meal. Chris LOVES this meal too. 

Grilled chicken, roasted broccoli and carrots, and a sauce made with almond butter, fish sauce, coconut aminos, sesame oil, vinegar, green onions, red pepper flake, and slivered almonds. 

This was THE BOMB. I mixed ground turkey with chipotle powder and some onions and made a patty. I then crusted the patty with shredded coconut. I cooked it in a skillet with a little coconut oil until the coconut was toasted and the outside of the patty was cooked. Then I baked it until the inside was fully cooked. I served it with fresh chunky guacamole and sweet potato fries. I also made homemade chipotle mayo for both my burger and fries. 

Leftover sweet potato fries, spinach eggs, and spinach chicken sausage. 

Leftover eggroll bowl with some avocado. 

This was a great meal. I sliced eggplant into round and layered with artichokes and sausage marinara. Then you just bake until the eggplant is cooked. This was AMAZING. 

Chicken, apples, raisins, pecans, and homemade mayo all on top of fresh spinach. 

Grilled steak, baked sweet potato, and a Tessemaes caesar salad. 

Spinach eggs with chicken sausage and bullet proof coffee. 

Turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and probiotics are all really trendy in the health world right now. So when I saw this I thought I would try it. It was actually SOOOO tasty. I know I will definitely be getting this again. I found it at Drug Emporium in Longview. It's great for detoxing, energy, and aids in digestion and has tons of antioxidants. Who knows if it makes me healthier but I felt good drinking it!!! 

The produce at Whole Foods makes me so HAPPY. We spent about 40 minutes just in the produce haha. 

We went to the Whole Foods in Domain and they had a really cool Japanese coffee machine called a Kyoto Drip. Chris got this coffee and said it was so strong and yummy. 
I just got my usual Americano. 

They had a breakfast buffet because we got there right at 8AM. I got scrambled eggs, sautéed spinach, mushrooms, and onions, and some roasted sweet potatoes. I got jalapeños and salsa and then went and purchased Siete tortillas. I have seen Siete tortillas on Instagram so many times thanks to all the Whole30/Paleo friends I follow. This is a Texas brand tortilla that is totally paleo and made from almond flour and water! Tortillas aren't technically whole30 but the ingredients are Whole30 approved so I let myself enjoy them. These suckers are expensive at $1 a tortilla, but I splurged. I don't know when I will be back in Austin to buy more so I wanted to enjoy them. 


We spent 2 hours at Whole Foods and came out spending under $100. That's rare ahaha. 

We came home with whole30 compliant meats I can't find near us, plus some fun produce. I found shishito peppers, romanesco, and purple japanese sweet potatoes. My kroger hasn't had fresh brussel sprouts for weeks so I grabbed some of those too. I also got whole30 compliant coconut chips and smoked oysters, plus some flavors of thunderbird bars I haven't seen here. 

THIS sauerkraut is literally the best thing ever. I need more. I NEED MORE NOW. 

We got fresh buffalo sausage from the butcher shop and I served it with this sauerkraut and shishitos. 

You just blister these in a skillet and gobble them up! SO PERFECT 

I loved my weekend, and now I am excited to keep on eating Whole30 and get to my goals. I ran a 9:38 mile this morning. I have my next 5k the first weekend of April, and I am doing another Warrior dash type race the third weekend of April. Gotta keep fueling my body for greatness!!!!! 


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