This breakfast changed my life!

Blueberry eggs! I know you have seen them. I know you think "... yeah thats cool that you like those Johanna but I am gonna just let that be your thing."


This breakfast is so good. 

I share with you now the step by step guide on making blueberry eggs so that tomorrow morning when you see that over ripe banana, you eat THIS! 

1 banana mashed well - it should be somewhat liquid. I typically microwave mine for 30 seconds.

add in a few dashes of cinnamon 

now add three eggs and scramble it all really well 

Heat coconut oil in a skillet 

pour your eggs in the skillet and add fresh blueberries

If you want you can add in some nuts or this yummy wild way grain free granola

 scramble like regular eggs 

Its seriously amazing and you're welcome. 


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