I only have one week left of my second whole30 round. I won't lie - I am very ready for a pumpkin spice latte and some pancakes!
November 7th is the first free Saturday that both my husband and I are off so I am planning on making that an awesome breakfast day and having pumpkin french toast for dayyyyyys.
Today I wore a shirt to the gym I haven't worn in 3 years! It says Fit and Fierce and I really felt like it. I have pushed myself to try harder at the gym and introduce new things. I have added a fourth step up to my box jumps. I have increased all of my weights again. Today I ran 10 minutes again. It is becoming so much easier to jog and I tell myself its easy and I can do it because half of the battle is a mental one. I am signing up to do a 5k on November 14 and then another one on December 5th! I am EXCITED because I think this time I could really get a pretty good time.
"But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
-Isaiah 40:31
-Isaiah 40:31
Here is the food I have eaten this past week
Chipotle chili topped with butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and parsnips
Side salad with Tessemaes ranch, brisket with Tessemaes bbq sauce, and 3 fingerling potatoes
Banana and a new bar - Clif KITs fruit and seed bar It wasn't my favorite bar but it was good
BEST LUNCH EVER! Roasted acorn squash stuffed with sausage, brussel sprouts, pecans, and raisins SERIOUSLY LIFE CHANGING
Roasted root veggies with aidells chicken sausage and spinach eggs
Chipotle chili with root veggies
Baked chicken with Tessemaes bbq sauce and green beans
Roasted root veggies topped with chipotle chili and some avocado
Taco salad with avocado, onions, and taco seasoned meat with organic salsa
Roasted root veggies, sauteed brussel sprouts, sausage, raisins, and pecans with cinnamon apple chips and a kombucha
Asparagus, aidells chicken sausage, and scrambled eggs
Grapes, banana chips, carrot chips, guacamole, and whole30 compliant roast beef
Sausage and eggs
Baked chicken with franks hot sauce, carrot chips and salad with Tessemaes ranch dressing.
Here are some of my ESSENTIALS to staying on track
Every Sunday I plan and prep the weeks meals and go grocery shopping for anything we need.
If you are not doing this you are going to fail!
Plan out what you're going to eat for every meal and stick to it. (If you don't make sure you have a go to whole30 option. Like one night I wasn't able to go home and eat what I had planned so Jasons Deli salad bar is always an easy go to option)
Make all of your lunches on Sunday and pack them in tupperware.
Have lots of fruit and nuts in case of a snack emergency.
Plan some whole30 crock pot meals for those days you don't want to/have time to come home and cook.
Make meals big so you can stretch them into two meals and not have to cook every single night. You're eating lots of fresh meat and produce so you're going to cook pretty much everything you eat. This can get tedious. Leftovers are your best friend.
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