Happy Labor Day!

I don't think I have mentioned this site on my blog before but I am OBSESSED with fitsugar.
If you follow health recipes and fitness motivation boards on pinterest I am sure you have found it.

Here is an article that I found that I really liked. It had some good ideas that I think we may have heard or thought of ourselves but really don't do. I want to try to start making these things a part of my routine and goal for the next few weeks so they become habit.

Make fruits as accessible as a bag of chips: Wash, cut up, and store fruits such as grapes, melon, kiwi, pineapple, and apples in reusable containers in the fridge so they're easy to grab. Make sure they're right up front at eye level so they're the first thing you see when you open the fridge door.

Prepare a big container of salad: Having a salad before dinner is a great way to fill you up so you eat less of the main course, but preparing a salad every night takes so much time that it's tempting to skip out. Ensure you get a bowl of greens every night by making an enormous bowl of salad at the beginning of the week. You're sure to eat a salad with dinner if it's already made — just scoop out a bowl, top with vinaigrette, and enjoy.

Have measuring cups and spoons on the counter: Measuring your food will keep portions in check since overestimating serving sizes is a huge reason people don't lose weight. Seeing measuring spoons and cups on your kitchen counter will be a visual reminder not to forget to use them. I should do this but I don't like clutter on my counters... maybe if I can find a cute way to display them or keep them organized on the counter

Pre-make snack packs: You know what happens when you eat chips or crackers out of the box — you practically end up polishing off the entire package! Take your favorite healthy snacks such as mixed nuts, popcorn, cheese, and fresh fruit, grab some Ziploc baggies, and make some 100-calorie or 150-calorie snack packs you can keep in your cupboard or fridge.

Ditch the unhealthy foods: Your hubby and kids might be fans of an occasional can of soda, bowl of cookie dough ice cream, or Hershey's Kiss, but if those foods are within your reach, you're bound to crave them. Throw out or give away the junk because if it's not in your kitchen, you can't be tempted to eat it. I am thankful my husband doesn't love junk food but the stuff he does get he puts on the very top shelf of our pantry so its out of my vision point!

Use smaller-sized plates: When we prepare a plate of food, we feel the need to fill it up completely. If you start out with a smaller-sized salad plate, there's only so much you can pile on, so you'll end up consuming fewer calories. We already started doing this because I used to use serving bowls for our food OOPS

Freeze fruits and veggies: Buy larger bags of fruits and veggies at the store and wash, cut, and store them in baggies in the freezer. You'll not only save money when you buy in bulk, but you'll also have them on hand to add to your smoothies, yogurt, pasta dishes, soups, and omelets. I really need to do this!

Double or even triple the recipe: Whether you're making soup, roasted veggies, quinoa salad, or something else for dinner, don't just make enough for one meal. Package the leftovers in containers you can easily grab for the next few days' meals. If your lunch or dinner is already prepared, you won't have to resort to unhealthy takeout. Started doing this the last week or so because now that I have work its a time saver also. 

Put food away before you sit down to eat: After you've cooked up an amazing vegan mac and cheese, serve yourself an appropriate serving size and then wrap it up and put it in the fridge. If you leave it out, you're more likely to go back for unnecessary seconds or thirds. Out of sight means off your hips. Now this is a good tip that I do not do. I should probably start doing that. 

NOW here is the latest thing I want to try next - using chia seed gel as an egg substitute. 

Apparently 1/4 cup of chia seed gel is equal to one egg. Tonight I am going to make some muffins for work this week and I want to try this. 

Just a reminder about the benefits of this SUPER FOOD

Chia is an evidence-based registered variety of Salvia hispanica L. and is nutritionally superior to flax and soy. Chia is the richest non-marine whole food source of Omega-3 and dietary fiber currently known to man.  Listed below are a few of the health benefits of chia seed.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health:

According to the American Heart Association, Omega-3 fatty acids can normalize blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels, while helping promote healthy heart and blood vessels.

Assists Joint Function & Mobility:

With six times more calcium than milk, and with greater amounts of high-quality protein than the one found in soy, Chia also helps strengthen muscles and bones.

Improves Digestion & Natural Detoxification:

Chia can absorb a whopping 12+ times its weight in water – flax seed only absorbs 6-8 times its weight. Chia´s insoluble fiber reduces digestive transit time and removes toxins as it passes through the digestive tract.

Supports Healthy Weight Loss:

Chia´s high fiber content and its ability to reduce blood sugar levels after meals inhibits the appetite, thus making it the perfect food for healthy, effective weight loss. Thanks to its neutral flavor and color, Chia integrates seamlessly into any healthy recipe.

Last thing for now sharing of todays seriously amazing lunch! 

Cut an eggplant in half and hollow it out. 

Spray it with cooking spray and season then place in the oven  

Cut up the scooped out eggplant  

Sautee with chicken breast cut into same sized pieces  

Once its all fully cooked add one wedge of laughing cow cheese  

Fill the eggplant halves  

Top with marinara then cover in foil and bake for about 30-45 minutes 

UH its so good 

For dessert I had four strawberries, 2 cinnamon rice cakes, one wedge of cream cheese laughing cow with a drizzle of honey 

Mix all together for ONE delicious bite! 

Now its time to leave Dallas and head back to Marshall. I am sad to leave Amanda and Cheyenne because we had a blast but I am pretty ready to get home get my puppies and clean my house and make these chia muffins. 



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