Morocco, Germany, and Paradise IN MY MOUTH

Last night I made another fabulous recipe from the fit cook. She is one of my current recipe addictions. They are just so easy healthy and uber flavorful. Moroccan Split Pea Stew... YEAH DELICIOUS Here is her photo and a link to her recipe
Her photo is GORGEOUS mine is...not First of all I used green split peas because I couldn't find yellow at my store. I also didn't measure the spices I simply did it to my taste- I like a lot of spice. MMM
DANG from her photo I thought it wouldn't be THIS liquid but it calls for 7 cups and I followed that part of the recipe for sure haha.
MMM yeah thats a chicken thigh with a crap ton of moroccan spice. MMM SO as you see here mine is obviously as the recipe indicates a STEW. I guess for her photo she used a slotted spoon and didn't get all that fabulous soup but DANG if you make it eat it like a soup because that broth is HEAVEN.
Now before I post dinner I am actually going to post what I am currently eating... its heaven. haha Non fat greek yogurt topped with pineapple, coconut, and a drizzle of honey. PUT THE HONEY ON IT OK for some reason that floral honey really plays well with the flavors of the pineapple and coconut. YUMMMMMMMMMM Its seriously my favorite thing. One of those where you look at the empty bowl and cry haha
Moving on... German town ya? Tonight it was all about pork and cabbage (well sort of brussel sprouts!)
I love cooking veggies this way. Put them in a skillet with a little olive oil and roast them in the skillet so they get little brown delicious spots MMM. Then I add a little water put on a lid and steam them until tender. YUMMMM Put pork loin in a skillet and brown it with seasonings and then add a little water to get the skillet browning bits and then place it in a baking dish and bake at 350 for maybe 20-30 minutes. Just watch it because over cooked pork isn't as good. I like mine medium!


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