Today I went to L-View for a shopping trip for my niece's b-day party next weekend. While there we also stopped at Academy...this is bad for me because I love workout clothes and shoes and Academy has some good ones. I always love to buy new clothes because it makes me want to work out more!
I really needed some new tennis shoes because the ones I bought before rub the back of my ankle BAD. They are really nice Nike shoes - hot pink and black but I can't wear them because they are painful and I have had them for over a year and they never "broke in" as my husband said would happen. I have been wearing my fun bright colored tennis shoes that are NOT for working out they are like wear around town shoes really or good for Zumba but not jogging and all the crap I have been doing. SO I got some today and I LOVE THEM.
They are New Balance- super comfy and only $50. I really wanted this pair of Under Armor shoes that were $90 but Chris made me realize these were just as cute and saves us some money! AND with the money saved I looked for CLOTHES. This can be tricky as Academy doesn't carry plus size clothes just "Regular" ones. I found a pair of shorts I saw before on a clearance rack. They didn't fit when I tried them on the last time we were there so I was nervous but knew that I might be able to fit in them. They were on clearance for $4.88 so I thought I might as well for that price I am not wasting money on shorts that won't fit by next short season right? BA...
I really love the pattern and color! And for under $5 and plus super motivating that they fit now when last time I couldn't even BUTTON them AND they aren't plus size they are "regular" clothes haha YEAH WHAT WHAT You could say that my tennis shoes were reward for fitting into the shorts AND they are also going to aid me in continuing to get smaller until my $5 shorts don't fit anymore.


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