228.... thats my WEIGHT!?!
I have now lost 47 pounds!
I have now lost 47 pounds!

When I lose 3 more pounds I will have lost 50 pounds... OH MY LORD
This is actually a slightly creepy photo hahah but LOOK thats what 50 pounds looks like
The best part of this for me is the tons of delicious food I am eating! I never feel deprived in fact I actually feel WAY better than ever before. Whataburger you are delicious its true but its such a pain to have stomach aches from a ton of fries no matter how good it tastes... the stuff I am making tastes just as good!!!
Tonight I did a crock pot meal knowing that I would be coming home late and wanted to save time. This is half a pork roast that put on low with some chicken broth and a head of cabbage. It cooked from 7 am to 6 pm MMMM
Serve it over rice and VOILA deliciously wonderful meal ready when you walk through the door from the hardcore workout you just did that made you ravenous!
My goal is to buy a new camera so I can take decent photos... haha SORRY