Snacks and Leftovers re-imagined

I love sweet things and they are a tricky business when you are trying to be healthy. One of my tips to eating sweets is to pair it with a glass of hot tea or coffee because that is going to help you fill up so that the small amount of dessert doesn't make you sad and try and sneak in more. I skipped my pre workout snack yesterday and my dinner was low enough I could add in a small dessert! SO I had half of an english muffin toasted with a little peanut butter and a tbsp of chocolate chips. Microwave once you put your chips on so they are melty. I freeze my chocolate to keep it fresh (and to eat it frozen cause its so good that way!) so I put mine in for 30 seconds. This with a hot cup of coffee was 100 calories well spent!
Today on pinterest I was really taken over with a momentary obsession of smoothies and juices. Several inspirations were ginger, carrot, cayenne, and citrus!
So I looked through my fridge, freezer, and pantry for something to make because I planned on the calories at lunch by not eating very much. Again I didn't measure exactly but I do know that everything that went into the smoothie is fruit and veggies and low calorie dairy so its healthy and full of vitamins and nutrients.
Almond milk, fat free greek yogurt, carrots, pineapple, mandarin oranges, frozen peaches, ginger powder, and cayenne pepper
First I blended the almond milk with the carrots so that they would for sure break down enough to be carrot juice/milk! Then I just dumped everything else in by eye no measuring.
These two items are seriously the best part of this smoothie. Everyone should add these to a smoothie next time.
It fit perfectly into my glass DANG IM GOOD! It also tasted like spicy sunny awesomeness. I should name it... Hot Sunshine? Spicy Citron? Peachy Ginger Madness? OOOOR just Spicy Sunny Awesomeness! For dinner I was inspired by a recipe that I saw on one of my new favorite food blogs. The Picky Eater. I didn't actually read the recipe MY BAD but I did see that it clearly was broth with white beans and kale and that sounded like awesome. I have not had kale yet so I am pretty excited. My version tonight has tomato and turkey meatballs!(leftover from the filling for my cabbage last night) First of all I chopped and onion and cooked it in my soup pot with 1 tsp olive oil. Then I added the chopped kale just to wilt it a little more and make it taste better than just straight boiled. I do this with all veggies for soup.
Add 2 cans of white beans and 1 can of crushed tomato and let that boil/simmer. While that is getting soft and flavors melding together put your mini meatballs into a skillet with a little broth and boil with a lid. I did this because I didn't want for the meatballs to stick together by just throwing them in the pot and I also didn't want them to fall apart. I think this method worked well.
Once they are cooked add them to your soup pot, put the lid on, and let it simmer.
Now go take a much needed shower from your daily hardcore workout! DANG I KICKED BUTT TODAY
After shower serve up and eat while watching the season premiere of GRIMM!!!!!


  1. Looks yummy! I'm going to try that soup. I looooove kale!

    1. Yes the soup was so awesome I looked at Chris and sang "I AM THE QUEEN OF COOKING" it was awkward but in the moment OH SO TRUE. It was freaking good


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