lunch and such and such

Today I was discussing with a friend and coworker food. He is currently trying to gain muscle mass and build his weight up while I obviously want to gain muscle mass but get my weight down. He had a few suggestions for me as I watched him eat 3 kolaches and a giant apple fritter... THANKS DOUCHE Basically drink lots of water and make sure you look at the sodium of your pre made packaged frozen options. He was hating on my Jimmy Dean Delights sandwich and I got pissed so I showed him the nutritional info online and now he wants to go buy them. YEAH FOOL. I do want to get away from eating too much frozen foods though. I can control my veggie and fruit intake better if I am eating fresh food that I make myself! Which looks better???
THIS? or....
THIS? I never really had a problem with processed foods but if this whole life change is about HEALTH not just weight loss then maybe I should be a little more conscious about whats going inside of me.
Anyway I did take away that watching my sodium may be a good thing and obviously I do need more water I barely drink it. Now onto lunch. DANG YALL it was SOOO GOOD. Here is the inspiration from one of my new favorite recipe blogs TWO PEAS IN A POD Here are your ingredients
First of all lets talk about CHICKPEAS Many public health organizations—including the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society—recommend legumes as a key food group for preventing disease and optimizing health.
There's now direct evidence about garbanzo beans and appetite! Participants in a recent study reported more satisfaction with their diet when garbanzo beans were included, and they consumed fewer processed food snacks during test weeks in the study when garbanzo beans were consumed. They also consumed less food overall when the diet was supplemented with garbanzo beans.
Garbanzo beans (like most legumes) have long been valued for their fiber content. Two cups provide the entire Daily Value! But the research news on garbanzos and fiber has recently taken us one step further by suggesting that the fiber benefits of garbanzo beans may go beyond the fiber benefits of other foods. In a recent study, two groups of participants received about 28 grams of fiber per day. But the two groups were very different in terms of their food sources for fiber. One group received dietary fiber primarily from garbanzo beans. The other group obtained dietary fiber from entirely different sources. The garbanzo bean group had better blood fat regulation, including lower levels of LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. Now over that rant check this deliciousness out...
First put some chickpeas in a bowl and smash with a fork
You don't want hummus you want chunky chickpeas! Next add an avocado and smash it together.
Add pepper and squeeze a lime in it! At this stage I could have made it like the post with bread but I decided I wanted a wrap with my new healthy tortillas. Check these out. They were better than just the plain whole wheat tortillas.
They had a whole wheat soft taco tortilla that said 98% fat free and I grabbed that one but then I saw this one too and decided to go ahead and look at both. SO glad I did. This one has less fat, less calories, half as many carbs, more protein,and more then twice the fiber! The texture is AWESOME super soft and moist unlike some healthy tortillas which can be dry or have a weird taste.
Top it with spinach and sprouts
Next top it with your avocado and chickpea salad! I wrapped it up and ate a banana with it.
It was so good even this little fatty wanted some


  1. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate your blog! I am on a weight loss journey too and I have really appreciated your thoughts!

    1. Thanks so much! I am new to the blogging but I have to say it has really been helping me stay motivated, focused and accountable.

  2. Going to have to try the wrap! It looks sooooo good!!!



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