Whole 30: Day Eight

This morning I had my usual larabar and suja juice in the car on the way to work. I read in the book that you should really treat all of your meals the same or you will end up eating eggs and fruit all the time for breakfast. It is so easy just to grab a bar and bottle of juice but they say too much fruit in the morning can lead to sugar cravings. 

LUNCH: Sweet potatoes with crock pot salsa pork on top, strawberries, and cherries 

DINNER: Egg Roll Bowls. I cooked down ground antelope and then added in a full bag of cabbage slaw and seasoned it with some ginger, mustard, and sriracha. Basically if you've ever made egg rolls its egg roll filling. 

I served it up with roasted broccoli to get in extra veggies since I overloaded on the fruit at breakfast and lunch. One of the things I want to work on is pushing more veggies especially green ones. 

After work I got in about 40 minutes at the gym. I didn't do my 5k runner although I should have, because truly I didn't want to. I figure if I do weights and cardio it really doesn't HAVE to be a hardcore run. I don't want to dread the gym I want to enjoy it, so If I don't want to run for 10 minutes I am not going to. I know I feel great after I do it so Ill probably force myself to do it tomorrow or Wednesday, but I don't want to feel like I HAVE to jog when I can get a good workout doing other things. 


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