Whole 30: Day Two

This morning I decided it would be a good idea to have coffee with some coconut milk for my morning caffeine since I can't do Spark right now. Thankfully it seemed to help me quite a bit and it tasted really good!


For some reason the hard boiled eggs made me kind of gaggy this morning. I only ate one and saved the other for lunch. The Mango Magic Suja is probably my favorite, and sometimes I add cayenne to it which is REALLY good. 


Today was chopped romaine with tuna salad on top. It was a can of tuna, onion, snap peas, hard boiled egg, and brown mustard (read labels some mustard is more than mustard seed and vinegar). Then I added 1/4 of an avocado and had a side of strawberries.

This morning I put a pork roast in the crock pot with a jar of chipotle and habanero salsa. AGAIN read your salsa labels because you want to find something pretty straight forward with just tomatoes, peppers, and onions. I was surprised by how many had sugar or other additives. I used Kroger private selection brand and it had a good ingredient list!

I served it over roasted sweet potatoes and topped it with green onion. It was PHENOMENAL!

I also jogged today, and after not doing it for four days I really had to force myself to do it. Mostly I was scared I couldn't do today's circuit which was jog 5 min walk 3 min jog 6 min walk 3 min jog 5 min. I truly thought at one point I might be having a heart attack! THANKFULLY I did not.

So far these two months have been nothing but rewarding so I keep trying to motivate myself and think if I can do it just one month at a time eventually I will hit a year and imagine where I can be! 


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