Whole 30: Day ten

Today was a good day. I had more fruit today because yesterday I didn't have any somehow. 

 I am down two weeks on JuicePlus+ and I really can tell my nails are starting to get longer and more firm. I am hoping that after continued use and the whole30 diet that my skin will start to be clear. 

I bought this unsweetened Starbucks iced coffee (a jug of black coffee) and mix it with some canned coconut milk for an easy morning caffeine starter. I have always not liked sweet coffee so this is perfectly delicious to me. My husband is still not 100% on board with it but he told me he won't cheat until 30 days is up. He is a put 4 spoons of sugar in his coffee kind of person, so I think he just needs time to adjust. 



This is the leftover turkey stuffing from last night that I baked into a burger patty. I put salsa and onions on top and had some roasted sweet potato with it. I also had my beet suja juice. 


Roasted chicken, carrots, and sauteed kale. HOLY YUM YALL 

One of the things they recommend on whole 30 is not to weigh yourself during the 30 day period, but I am sort of addicted to keeping daily track of my weight. I think it motivates me to keep trying to get the number down every day. I don't know if it is a bad habit or not, but I can't not weigh in for a full month. SO I do know that so far in this 10 day period alone I have lost 6 pounds. UH WOW I hope that I keep losing at that rate because that means by my birthday I will be down another 20 pounds. I don't think that will happen but it would be great. The reason they tell you not to weigh is pretty obvious. It is about a healthy lifestyle and not about weight-loss. Right now I can't help but focus on both. I don't count calories, I just eat three meals a day and snack if I need to (usually I don't). I am eating the healthiest foods I can and that is an easy thing to maintain for the rest of my life. I just have to ask "Am I giving my body the best possible source of nutrition by eating this?" At first you think about all the pizza, donuts, cheeseburgers, etc. that you are missing out on but truly food doesn't have to rule you in that way. All of the food I am eating now is DELICIOUS it's not like I am eating grass and crying about it. It is GOOD food that tastes AWESOME and on top of it is making me a healthier person. One of the things I want to get away from is saying "I can't eat _____" because technically I can eat anything but I don't. I don't eat the foods that are going to make me sick, unhealthy, and fat because when we look back on our lives we remember the important moments and the love we share with people not what we ate on January 14th, 1997 for dinner!!!! When we are old and dying we won't say "Dang remember that time we had pizza hut and it was good." Food doesn't have to be all consuming because the purpose of food is for nutrition. I still enjoy myself when I eat because I love food, but I don't need to be glutenous and saturated in fat, calories etc. to have a good meal. Food has become the center of our thoughts and social lives, it's got whole channels devoted to it and we are so consumed with food that we take photos of every meal and instagram it and blog about it!!!! I AM THE WORST 
People think I am crazy for cutting out grains, sugar, and dairy (mostly the grains makes people give me the goofy eye) but really isn't it crazy how much our current culture idolizes food. I know that when I plan a vacation the first thing I think is "WHERE DO EAT?". Can't life be about the other moments not just the meals. I will always love food and be a food seeker, but I think it is important to find a good place where you enjoy food for what it is - a tasty nutritional meal that sustains our bodies to have the energy we need to live LIFE. There are a lot more important things going on in my life than just what I eat and trying to find that healthy place is what Whole30 is really about. 


  1. Get it, girl!! This whole post is rad! You are SO right, it's about creating new healthy habits that will allow you to let this way of eating become just...the way you eat. :) I have this thing with the scale...I used to weigh myself everyday and I just decided to put tape over the little number window and stick the scale in a really inconvenient place in the back of the top shelf of my closet -- so I wouldn't be tempted to take it down. After about a week I was just over it. I really do believe the scale is the WORST measure of progress. It can only tell you your numerical relationship with gravity...that's it. Celebrate those non-scale victories as much as you can!!! Those days when you have more energy, or the fact that you don't need sugar in your coffee, or that you don't miss pizza as much as you thought you would...maybe your pants are looser or you're sleeping like a champ...THOSE are the real markers of progress. You're on your way, girlfriend!! Keep going!! <3

  2. Get it, girl!! This whole post is rad! You are SO right, it's about creating new healthy habits that will allow you to let this way of eating become just...the way you eat. :) I have this thing with the scale...I used to weigh myself everyday and I just decided to put tape over the little number window and stick the scale in a really inconvenient place in the back of the top shelf of my closet -- so I wouldn't be tempted to take it down. After about a week I was just over it. I really do believe the scale is the WORST measure of progress. It can only tell you your numerical relationship with gravity...that's it. Celebrate those non-scale victories as much as you can!!! Those days when you have more energy, or the fact that you don't need sugar in your coffee, or that you don't miss pizza as much as you thought you would...maybe your pants are looser or you're sleeping like a champ...THOSE are the real markers of progress. You're on your way, girlfriend!! Keep going!! <3


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